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Making the world a more creative place

We love what creativity brings to the world. Creativity inspires new ideas and new imaginations, and brings new changes to the world. We are proud to deliver innovative digital technologies to support all aspects of human creativity. We will provide powerful new tools for creative expression, new ways to shape and share new ideas, and innovative solutions for business.

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Supporting creative pros with the most innovative digital tools

We serve the passion of creative professionals around the world. Our products and services help industry leaders explore new horizon and set new standards in film and 3D animation, in industry design, digital art, game development and a broad range of human communication and expression. Wacom is committed to provide the world's most creative talents with most advanced digital tools for expression and productivity and to support the next generation of creative experts.

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For the love of creative expression in everyone

Creative expression is in everyone's life. Our customers are excited about making their everyday life more creative and fun. We love to inspire you to enjoy your own creativity and support your aspirations for all kinds of digital creative expression. Wacom puts the most innovative, natural, and powerful digital tools in the hands of everyone.

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For the love of your ideas

We believe in the power of ideas. Great new ideas can come from anywhere, anytime and to anybody. We create new tools and products to help everyone to capture, express, shape and share ideas to change the world around them and make better.

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For delivering value beyond hardware

Creativity explodes with sharing and collaboration. We develop the cloud platform, community and applications to help everyone to create and share new ideas and expressions. There’s no point in having a pen and no paper to write or draw on. We make sure that there are software and apps available to customers with the most intuitive and smart user experience.

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Helping the world to shape the future with a new digital ink standard.

Based on more than 30 years of experience in natural user interface, Wacom is now taking the initiative to create a global standard for digital ink: WILL. WILL stands for "Wacom Ink Layer Language". Designed as the ink standard for the 21st century, WILL enables the capturing and sharing of digital ink in the cloud and beyond operating systems and hardware platfoms. It will open new opportunities for ink applications without technological borders.

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Helping businesses to get faster, smarter and safer

We know that creativity is one of the key ingredients in increasingly complex business environments. We provide unique business solutions that enable our customers to run their business, faster, smarter and with a higher degree of security. Combining intuitive pen displays, inking and security applications, we will deliver unique business solutions that replace traditional paper methods and shapes new ways in business workflow, digital education, medical documents, as well as secure on-line transaction.

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For innovative new solutions with Partners

Our vision is not one we can achieve alone. We also work with world-class partners to deliver innovative new mobile solutions such as smartphones, tablets and e-books. By applying our decades of experience with pen component solutions, we support our partners build new innovative user experiences that are natural, intuitive and high performance. Together with our partners and broad adoption of our solutions, we put creativity into the hands of everybody.

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IR awards

Wacom received the "2007 Disclosure New Face Award" and the "2011 Disclosure Award" by Tokyo Stock Exchange, and the "2012 Best IR Award for Small to Medium Sized Capitalization Companies" by Japan Investor Relations Association.

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